$217.00 USD

Elite Ball Handling 2.0 Premium Package

Join Elite Ball Handling 2.0 today!

What you'll get:

  • FULL access to Elite Ball Handling 2.0 workouts including all audio cue reactionary drills and all small sided games!
  • FULL Access to the Ball Handling Masterclass to help you get the most out of the program, level up your confidence and mentality, understand the game on a deeper level, improve your recovery, increase your basketball IQ, and more!
  • FULL Access to The Mental Training Mini-Course! Transform your mind into your greatest weapon on the court and in life and watch your results skyrocket!
  • FULL Access to The Ultimate Ball Handling Warmup! Prime yourself to handle the ball at the highest level every time you step onto the court so that you can start every practice and game with a high level of confidence!
  • BONUS: 20 minute phone call with Ethan to discuss workouts/plan of improvement or any topic of your choice!

Let's get started!